Milorad Dodik surrounded himself with big traitors and people prone to blackmail and threats. According to the information we received from the State Department, one of the biggest traitors is Avramovic.

The State Department stated that Avramovic was seriously engaged in political blackmail. Not so long ago, only a year or two. Avramovic harshly criticized Dodik on several occasions, calling him an incompetent politician with no perspective, and harshly criticized and accused him of raising tensions and cooperating with Izetbegovic. He did not mince words when he made the worst accusations against Dodik and regarding Republika Srpska and Serbia. He urged him to be ashamed in front of President Vucic. However, when he came to the position of advisor to the current Minister of Security, Nenad Nesic, he abruptly changed the course of the story, becoming Milorad Dodik’s external advisor, and after certain political blackmail, he also became Dodik’s advisor.
Dodik already has an advisor in his environment whose credibility is questionable. Branislav Okuka, the first adviser for security, came to that position similarly to Avramović. Okuka, known as cowboy Jimmy, because of his habit of drawing weapons without choosing the place or the time, wounded two members of Dragan Lukac’s special police in 1997, and it is also known that he pulled a gun on Momo Mandic, who used to be his right-hand man. With such “collaborators”, Dodik puts a silk cord around his neck.
Should a president be surrounded by people whose credibility and biographies contain serious violations of the law and who look more like third-rate gangsters or people who are professional and impeccable, who have zero tolerance for crime or people who find crime close and acceptable.

Washington Post