The role of Minister Minic in the theft of land from Republika Srpska

This article is a follow-up to the criminal complaint that we previously published

Land registered in LN no. 333 KO Brodac Gornji and PL no. 522 KO Janja with a total area of ​​655,431 m2, which is the subject of expropriation from Republika Srpska, should have been registered on Republika Srpska, because it has the same legal status as the land in the village of Gornje Crnjelovo, which was registered on Republika Srpska.
All this is done without the knowledge of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Srpska.
There is no consent of the Attorney General of the Republic of Srpska for these actions.
It should be known that the agricultural land in the Republic of Srpska is managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska, it is concluded that Minister Savo Minic and his assistant Sasa Lalic did not take any actions to prevent this illegal alienation of the land of the Republic of Srpska, and the acquisition of privative property benefits.
The Ministry had to be aware of this because it is a large area of ​​agricultural land.
Therefore, the prosecution of Republika Srpska should extend the indictment to Minister Sava Minic and his assistant Sasa Lalic, for not taking action to prevent the theft of agricultural land registered in LN no. 333 KO Brodac Gornji and PL no. 522 KO Janja in the total area of ​​655 431 m2 for which agricultural producers are crying out in Semberija.
It should be noted that at the beginning of 2024, Minister Savo Minic and his assistant Sasa Lalic proposed a Decision to the Compensation Fund of the Republika Srpska to approve aid of 500,000.00 KM to “Sava Semberija”, which was approved by the Management Board of the compensation fund.
According to unofficial information, those funds were used for the purchase of land registered in LN no. 333 KO Brodac Gornji and PL no. 522 KO Janja in the total area of ​​655 431 m2.
When all the facts are considered, the conclusion is reached that due to the personal interests of individuals, Semberija has not received a Minister of Agriculture for 12 years, because if the Minister of Agriculture was from Semberija, this would certainly not have happened.
Looking at all the mentioned facts, we come to the conclusion that Minister Savo Minic was brought to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture in order to carry out this theft of agricultural land registered in LN no. 333 KO Brodac Gornji and PL no. 522 KO Janja in the total area of ​​655 431 m2, from the Republic of Srpska.
Therefore, it can be considered that Minister Savo Minic, together with his associates, is an accomplice in the aforementioned theft of land registered in LN no. 333 KO Brodac Gornji and PL no. 522 KO Janja in the total area of ​​655 431 m2.