Andrijana Lazic tragically lost her life on January 10. 2024. in Dubai. Her death is still shrouded in mystery. What happened in Dubai still no one has an answer to. The death report came from the police, stating that it was a fall from a height and an accident. How did the fall happen, did anyone see it or not? These are just some of the questions that cast doubt on her death.

We discovered new details about the death of this young star, and we found out about possible motives for the liquidation of this girl. What made the head of the police in Dubai, Isa Ahmed Salen Ahmed, to initially determine the detention of Andrijana’s friends until the end of the investigation was a series of doubts regarding the circumstances under which the death occurred.

The death of women is rarely investigated in this Arab emirate, due to the existence of certain social norms and customs, and for this reason it is particularly interesting that the case of Andrijana Lazić was an exception. Some members of certain American and Russian intelligence services became interested in this case, primarily because Andrijana’s father Nebojsa Lazic, as a member of the police in the Republic of Srpska, participated in several international actions aimed at fighting terrorism. As we learn, the police in Dubai have information that at least two organized intelligence and criminal groups were noticed at the same time, which might be interested in sending a message to her father, Nebojsa Lazic, to give up his job with this liquidation.

As we have already stated, Lazic participated in the arrests of “strong” figures from the criminal uderground and made contacts with the diplomatic and security services of both the USA and Russia, which is why he was nicknamed “the king of the East and the West” among politicians in Serbia. We also found out that recently he has been engaged in attempts to establish contacts in the USA that would ensure that the arguments of the Serbian side in Bosnia and Herzegovina related to the activities and messages of the leaders of the Republic of Srpska are heard and taken into account. In other words, to suspend the completely absurd trial of the President of Republica Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and acquit him of the trumped-up charges before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. What fuels this suspicion is the interest of the intelligence-religious milieu of today’s Bosniaks in bringing the trial of Milorad Dodik to an end and banning him from political activity at the cost of destabilizing the situation in BiH.

According to this theory, the death of his daughter would have deeply shaken Lazic, who would have lost the will to further engage in lobbying for Serbian interests. Unofficially, because of this advocacy, Lazic has already encountered a series of obstructions and attempts to spoil his contacts in the USA. That story also mentions large sums of money invested in attempts to block the presentation of Serbian interests to the US administration.

Another suspicion leads to strong criminal groups from Bosnia and Herzegovina connected with smuggling organizations from the surrounding area, which have found shelter in Dubai. The President of Republic of Srpska also mentioned them in a recent statement, inviting the top political parties from Sarajevo to declare whether they cooperate with these groups.

This is not the end of the list of those interested in taking revenge or inflicting pain on Lazic, because he also participated in the actions of arresting members of criminal organizations that committed the murders of famous people on the territory of Republic of Srpska.

Some see this as a motive and raise the possibility that the remnants of the Muslim intelligence services from Sarajevo, which were then connected to the work of the Iranian intelligence service in Bosnia and Herzegovina, could initiate or order an action in Dubai through old connections. Iran, as explained by the sources, has two separate intelligence services, whose individual members sometimes work on their own, but also completely opposite operations in the same country.

Here, the interlocutors note, it should be borne in mind that these are individuals, persons from the intelligence-criminal milieu, who have already carried out similar actions. Some of the groups created in that cooperation, trained in the Pogorelica camp, carried out a series of assassinations in Sarajevo, including an attempt to kill the then Commander-in-Chief of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Army, Sefer Halilovic.
One of the security ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina also had reported problems after the expulsion of two Iranian intelligence officers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the loss of part of the data related to their network.

The DEA and the FBI are involved in the investigation, in search of answers to the question “What exactly happened?”.

This story will be updated, so changes to the text are possible!

Washington Post