Honest Petar’s misinformations

Petar Simic, the lesser known son of the much more famous father Cvijetin Cican Simic, has been persistent for the last two years
is trying to present himself to the public as a “righteous man”, emerging “from nowhere”. And in that intention, he often makes mistakes.

Thus, with the last post on his Facebook profile, he wrongly targeted two candidates for
councilors on one of the candidates lists, drawing completely wrong conclusions. The only truth is that none of the
mentioned was not on the opposite side of the law and each one contributed to the investigation of the assassination
to a former high-ranking official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RS in Bijeljina. It would be nice if Petar, before public announcement and stating falsehoods informs a little better what he is writing about.

This supposedly modest guy became known to the public when he appeared on Bijeljina portals during October
In 2022, “accidentally” gave a series of interviews talking about himself as someone who is “magical” and with
minimal resources led the online campaigns of Nebojsa Vukanovic and Ljubisa Petrovic. Is that right?

Did Petar keep silent about how that cooperation ended? Were there trials and problems at the end? How is it
even entered the campaign team, who recommended him and with what intention? Father? Or is it not? Is that
the only thing the only thing that Peter, the moral critic of social phenomena, kept silent?

Thus, he did not say anything about how he got the job at “Bijeljina gas” and whether it has anything to do with
to the late Mico Micic, whose advisor was his father Cvijetin Cican Simic? He left Micic behind
unresolved problems with “NS gas”, dubious shares in ownership, in which more were involved
personalities from Bijeljina with certain “financial” intentions. Was Cican among them? Peter will
tell us that? Or won’t they?

The governments of Republika Srpska and Serbia broke up that deal and returned “Bijeljina gas” to the legal framework. Is it possible
That’s why Petar supported Vukanovic, according to the tuk-tuk-tuk system? Or was he just a good son of his father who
listened to get involved in politics, joining a nice job at “Bijeljina gas”, a company that still
he does not work and does not earn, but the salary is solid and regular, with killing boredom at the workplace
engaging in social networks? Attacking the top of Republika Srpska, because it is good for beginners in
political marketing?

And who is the aforementioned Peter’s father? Before the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cvijetin Simic was the president of the Municipal Assembly
Bijeljina and numerous ambiguities are connected to it regarding the paths of money from loans for agricultural development? Peter will probably, as a righteous person, tell the public if it is true that part of that money may have been used for the opening family company “Agro BN”. Part of it was also a “factory” or bottling plant for plant protection products. How is it
“Agro BN” has ended its existence and is there an opportunity for moral sermons,  Petar knows?

It is less known to the public that Peter’s father, a former advisor to the mayor of Bijeljina, Mico Micic i
president of the Assembly from the war period, in 2022 he had to sell the rights to two to the Republic of Srpska
concessions for the construction of small hydropower plants on the Majevica obodno canal, so that their construction would be
returned to legal streams?! It is about concessions for the “ATC” power station, which should be built on
Majevica obodon canal and HPP “Gradac” at the confluence of Majevica canal. Has anyone misused the position of advisor to the mayor of Bijeljina and the information he obtained?

registered the company “ABN Elektrane” with its headquarters in Velika Obarska, which in 2010
obtained the right to build two mini hydroelectric power plants with a construction deadline of 2040?! And that, I guess
Petar knows? The estimated income of just those two power plants would be around one million marks per year?!
A trifle?

The beginning of the war in Bijeljina is also linked to Cicana. Perhaps, in contrast to the questions asked by Haški
tribunal, could ask counter questions here: What was done to prevent the appearance of armed para-
formations that will set up barricades in April 1992? But that is not the topic of this text, but the question of whether
it is true that Peter’s father was also familiar with the affair of the disappearance of golf balls from the TAS factory and whether it meant anything to him
number 20? The Golf “dvica” is still one of the most popular cars today. It is indestructible, as are some stories
related to their disappearance from the factory circle in Sarajevo. What is the truth and is there a place for morals?

Or what about the questions: What did who did and what did they propose regarding the privatization of the Sugar Factory in Velika Obarska?
Were there any rigging or attempts to rig the purchase? Is it true that the factory of chips
was supposed to be in Bijeljina, but the investors left for Lijevče polje, because someone here asked them for a racket? How is it
the SMS parking payment system was introduced in Bijeljina and under what conditions, who contracted the purchase of the software and

Will some of these questions be found in the future network campaign of Nebojsa Vukanovic or Ljubisa?
Petrovic for these local elections? Will they be installed by the “wizard for nets from Bijeljina”, a man without a background,
one of the young unemployed people from the street, someone who has never been helped by anyone or has anything
any other source of income? A man who through the enthusiasm and euphoria of fighting for a “fair society”
make up for the lack of funds for their clients’ campaign?

Or as he said in one of the interviews: “I met a lot of quality people, all of them volunteers,
idealists and optimists, there was an incredible positive atmosphere. Those people restored my faith in the future
of this country. All the time I was kept by some euphoria, some rapture and optimism.”

Euphorically honest, without an iota of pretense or silence. Everything is true, word for word. Petar said.