Biden’s fading campaign is creating a Democrat nightmare

If you are a Trump-hating Democrat, you are probably having trouble separating your nightmares from reality.

After all, the Republicans just had a wildly successful convention while your party is forming circular firing squads.

Worst of all, Joe Biden has picked a terrible time to throw a hissy fit, making it impossible to know who will be your party’s presidential nominee.

Consider two reports circulating Friday: One says Biden is “in it to win it” and sees a path to victory, the other insists he and his family are discussing his imminent withdrawal.

At this point, it’s not clear which is true or even which would be better for Dems.

One thing is certain: the confusion perfectly captures the helter-skelter mess Biden has created. His misbegotten presidency amounts to a long list of major failures and he should have had the sense a year ago to pass the torch.

But he and the people around him grew fat with arrogance and, cosseted by a cheerleading media, came to believe their own lies about his “accomplishments.” The comeuppance is harsh, with even his exit a disaster.

Getting ugly, and sad

Make no mistake — it will be an exit from the race. He’s running out of time and options, and his attacks on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton demonstrate that he’s mad enough to blow up the party on his way out the door.

Feeling betrayed by people he thought were friends and allies, he’s hitting back by making the most incendiary charge one Dem can make against others: blaming them for Trump’s 2016 election.

A Biden source tells NBC: “Can we all just remember for a minute that these same people who are trying to push Joe Biden out are the same people who literally gave us Donald Trump? In 2015, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer pushed Biden aside in favor of Hillary; they were wrong then, and they are wrong now.”